TYPE: Green, Flavored
DESCRIPTION: Known nowadays as the "popcorn" tea, Genmaicha ("brown rice tea") was originally known as "the people's tea," due to poor peasants mixing their green tea with brown rice for filler in order to extend their stock.
Unlike usual green teas, Genmaicha is recommended to be brewed at boiling water temperature (212 degrees) for 30 seconds, though the "normal" green tea temperature also works.
This tea is dedicated to Crystal Lynn Harry (1989-2012), who introduced the owner of this tea business to the beautiful world of tea back in 2006. Without her, none of this would have been possible.
INGREDIENTS: Green Tea, Popped Rice
BREWING INSTRUCTIONS: 1 tsp per 8 oz. water, 180° or BOIL° for 2 minutes
RE-BREW: 1-2 times
Pre-Bagged: Pre-bagged means that we put the tea in individual tea bags for you. Each size will be divided into 2.5 grams per tea bag, or:
10 bags per 25g
20 bags per 50g
40 bags per 100g
Orders get shipped out every Wednesday. Orders from Monday to Sunday are made and packaged on Monday and Tuesday, then shipped Wednesday. Other days are added if an over abundance of orders occurs.
There's a number of practical reasons. The company has a workforce of one person, consolidating orders saves hours every week. Time is also needed to make the teas, coffee, and soaps (A tea typically has to "sit" for about 2 days before it can be packaged). We also need to frequently do inventory to reorder supplies and ingredients. When we were doing daily orders, many orders were frequently delayed by up to a week because of this, so the once a week method saw little change for many people.
Affordable stuff. Nice bang for your buck if you like green tea.
taste like a rice cracker I can't decide if I like it because right now my mouth is very confused. But if you wish you could drink a rice cracker this is the tea for you.
It's a VERY surprising taste, who knew corn could make good tea!
The taste isn't the best compared to other teas i've tried from here but it's really worth for the lower price
Thank you I tried this tea I love it
Tea and popcorn is very weird. But still goood.
Affordable stuff. Nice bang for your buck if you like green tea.
taste like a rice cracker I can't decide if I like it because right now my mouth is very confused. But if you wish you could drink a rice cracker this is the tea for you.
It's a VERY surprising taste, who knew corn could make good tea!
The taste isn't the best compared to other teas i've tried from here but it's really worth for the lower price
Thank you I tried this tea I love it
Tea and popcorn is very weird. But still goood.