The Dragon's Treasure Roadmap 2023
Dec 18, 2022
We do not wish to make this overly long, so instead of weighing everything down with all of the details, we are going to keep it simplified, almost bullet points style.
2023 will be our first year where the main focus will not be just making it to next year, so that means we have a lot more room to maneuver, but it comes with a strong caveat that'll be introduced at the end.
First off, We hope to launch our new partner project, The Dragon's Apothecary. We wish to start creating things that are not just tea. Items from incense, to soaps, to protein powders (Some may recall we used to have a matcha based protein powder that we sold), and a whole other assortment of healthy living items. This won't be launching soon, as all of these items will need time to experiment to make of the quality that will make everyone praise and feed The Teaman's ego. There is also the caveat at the end.
More teas, of course, and the introduction to tins. Tins have been long asked for here, but due mainly to budgetary reasons we could not do. There are some kinks to work out but they'll be coming early in 2023.
On the backend, we're going to have a heavy focus/emphasis on increasing our OnlyTeas and Dragon's Wings subscriptions. As mentioned many times before, our minimum goal is 400, this number will ensure that even if no other sales come in, we will be covered for all our expenses. At 500, we will be looking to start hiring.
On that note, if we can hire we can finally get the webcomic Dragon Fire going. Right now the artist we use has a full time job and other commissions, and once I know I can safely afford to pay her every week on time with no worries of not having enough money, I can hire her so she can leave her current job, my works can take priority, and she'll still have plenty of time to work on other's commissions. It's a win/win for everybody, but I need those subscription numbers up. Speaking of subscriptions...
There will be more focus on Youtube this year, but more so in the livestream format as opposed to video essay format. I will still try to do the occasional passion project, as I am doing one right now, but video essay formats are not really a way to grow anymore, and are definitely not financially worth the investment. What's more, Youtube managed to suck out all the desire when they butchered the finale of a project 4 years in the making. So expect more livestreams.
Our convention booths will be redone for anime cons so more people know what we are exactly. Likewise, with a more secure financial footing, we're going to look to do more conventions.
Make the website less horrible.
All of the plans, however, have one big giant hinderance to them right now. Our current location is just plain too small to hold us anymore. So we will be looking for a new home/work studio to set up shop and continue. When I say we are out of space, I mean we are REALLY out of space. So this, out of every other item, will be our main priority, as this is the item that will determine the growth of The Dragon's Treasure and the launch of The Dragon's Apothecary. What's unfortunate is that we are right at the beginning of this journey, so we cannot say for sure exactly how long it will take, only that we are VERY eager to move on and start creating more than we ever have created before.
The way to help this happen is the ways mentioned earlier, OnlyTeas and Dragon's Wings subscriptions. There is even a donation page that you can use if you are so inclined.
To give yet another big teaser, depending on how 2023 goes, if it meets our expectations, 2024 may finally be the year of the tea shop....