Site-wide Tea Price Reduction
Nov 08, 2023
Hello friends, the important bit of this news: We have reduced the prices of all our teas across the site. This includes sample packs. We will keep this until at least the end of the holidays, then determine if we can keep this permanently or not. If you are an OnlyTeas member, the price will NOT go down and we CANNOT edit prices on active subscriptions, you will need to cancel and order once again in to get the lower price. If we return prices to their original amount, you will still pay the lower price.
And now, onto The Teaman's ramblings/rationale.
There was a lot of thought put into this decision. Many months worth, in fact. I didn't decide until this morning that I should go ahead and go through with it, locking down the website until the price changes were complete to avoid anyone buying a lot of tea just minutes before a price cut. I had spent a lot of time thinking about various ways to help people save money through these inflation-riddled times. Our EXP Points system was the main focus, drawing up various ways to earn free teas with the points, etc. Throwing out more coupon codes was another option, but many people already have coupon codes though Dragon's Wings, or through their favorite creator's affiliate code, or by reviewing teas. They don't stack, so it's just coupon overload.
After much back and forth, I decided to just keep it simple; reduce the cost of teas. Will we take a hit in revenue? Yes and no. On an individual basis, if we look at it tea by tea, of course. On the larger scale, we hope people's ability to save an extra $1-$3 per tea might let them purchase one more, or it may let people who were originally unable to make a purchase now able to afford it.
It's probably a bit unusual to see a company REDUCE costs during times of rapid inflation as opposed to increase, but it's the holidays. I can't think of a better time to give this small gift to my customers.