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New product, The Elden Tea!  March Giveaway!

New product, The Elden Tea! March Giveaway!

Let spring cometh!  We are introducing a very special new tea!  Coming in from one of the oldest tea plantations in the world, grown on trees over 1,000 years old!  Our brand new Jasmine Oolong, The Elden Tea!

While this tea is going to be members EXCLUSIVE, for the first week (Sunday, March 6th till Sunday, March 13th) it will be available to ALL customers!  After that, this divine tea will be an added perk to our Dragon's Wings members.


In addition, our March Giveaway will be a free 50g bag of The Elden Tea!  To enter, just make any purchase in March to earn 1 ticket entry, and let us know you wish to enter.  Discord or "Chat With Us" from the website is the easiest way to ensure you enter.  You can also sign up for The Dragon's Wings for even more chances to win!  Good luck to all!

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